Take the Pledge to Vote in November

Take the Pledge to Vote in November

Dear comrade,

Do we want another four years of Donald Trump in the White House?

This is the question we should be asking ourselves as we prepare to vote on November 3. Millions have already answered and are getting ready to vote Trump out. Others are not so sure they want to cast a vote for the Biden-Harris ticket or anyone else.

But this is no time to sit out an election. Why?

Even under the extreme-right regime in the White House and Senate, the people’s movements have made some gains over the past three years: $15/hour wage, more accessible voting, etc. But these gains have been at the local levels. Since 2018, the Democratic-led House of Representatives has passed hundreds of bills, to little effect. Bills like the PRO-Act, which would make it easier for unions to organize workers, have been stalled in the McConnell-run Senate.

To make real gains that impact people everywhere, not just in cities and states, we need to stop Trump and his Senate allies. To give people’s movements breathing room to make advanced demands and win them, Trump & Co. have got to go. To stop the rise of fascism, we have to take the first step: vote out the extreme right.

The next step is to pressure a Biden presidency and the new Congress from day 1 to reverse the damage of the Trump presidency and implement policies that will end systemic racism, reverse global climate change, create jobs with a living wage, provide universal health care, and more.

We ask that you take this pledge: I will vote, and I will help mobilize the vote. I will ask my friends, relatives, neighbors, co-workers, and activists to vote.

Start a discussion in your club or among your peers about why the November elections are crucial. Hold honest, sincere discussions with those who are thinking of sitting out the elections and hear out their concerns. Start with two questions: Why is it argued that Trump and the GOP represent a fascist danger? How do we get Trump out of the White House? These three articles offer a jumping-off point for discussion:

People Power: At the Ballot Box and Beyond
The Time Is Now: March and Vote
Elections Matter. Movements Matter More

We all agree: Trump has got to go. Voting is only the first step, but it’s a vital one. Take the pledge today.

After the election, remember: No honeymoon! On day 1, keep the pressure on!