We voted, now let’s stop the coup!

We voted, now let’s stop the coup!

The joy and relief that burst forth into street celebrations across the country on Saturday reflects the huge movement, tens of millions of calls, postcards, texts, and door knocks, to Dump Trump and vote against fascism along with all the racism, hate, and division it represents. This was indeed the most important election of our lifetime!

Expressions of “WE DID IT!” show an appreciation of the vote as a collective action. The enormity of what each union and people’s organization accomplished, including our party and other left forces, must be recognized. This was a real all-people’ victory!

The amazing organizing undertaken represents the potential for lifting the struggles for people’s needs to a new and higher level going forward.

The leadership of Black women has to be recognized. The ability of unions across the country to mobilize stood out as well. They were “all in,” organizing their members, with many unemployed workers, due to the pandemic, in the forefront. Latinx, Native American, and youth voters and their organizations also contributed mightily, making all the difference.

The Biden/Harris ticket scored some 77 million ballots, a historic number. With Trump receiving 72 million, there is an over 5 million difference in the popular vote count so far, the widest in recent memory.  Make no mistake: democracy and a people’s agenda have a mandate.

In light of the closeness of the race for Congress and state legislatures, including some losses, the CPUSA clearly had a correct emphasis on the need for a massive turnout.

Trump’s ongoing claim that he is the winner and his challenge of the results with lawsuits and recounts are extremely dangerous. This aims not only to slow down the process but also to potentially overturn the results. The fascist danger, while set back, is not over.  In this regard, while there was a democratic breakthrough, the country has not reached a turning point.

Indeed, while facing massive push-back from many quarters, the danger cannot be underestimated.

Advance preparation by Protect the Results coalition rallies helped create a narrative for patience while every vote was counted. It helped give short shrift to Trump’s attempt to stop counting  early votes in Philadelphia  and other cities with majority Black and Latino populations.

The large vote Trump received shows the tremendous amount of work needed to tackle white supremacy and racism, misogyny, red-baiting, and the anti-democracy agenda.

Ongoing vigilance must be maintained. Unity as well must be maintained. In this respect, red-baiting and casting aspersions on the Black Lives Matter movement from whatever corner only helps the GOP.

There is a need for continued large public expressions to protect the vote during the Electoral College process up to the Inauguration, especially in Republican-controlled states. While Mitch McConnell and some corporate interests are standing with Trump, it is notable that some Republicans and sections of capital do not agree with Trump’s attempts to steal the election.

Continued public pressure, particularly from our multi-racial working class, is needed to further isolate Trump’s attempt at a coup.