The voter uprising: A sign of good things to come?

The voter uprising: A sign of good things to come?

The popular chant, “This is what democracy looks like!” can mean many things: people hitting the streets, getting arrested in peaceful protest, organizing themselves into unions, lobbying their elected officials, and yes, even the “simple” act of voting. The yearning for more democracy is reflected in what can only be described as an  electoral upsurge that’s taking place all over […]

Across the country, Young Communists organize against Trump and economic crisis

Across the country, Young Communists organize against Trump and economic crisis

By Maicol David Lynch and Shawn Shah NEW YORK—As early youth voter turnout breaks records in state after state, Young Communist League USA organizing committees are taking to the streets for voter registration, mutual aid, protests, and marches, and they’re putting together Marxist book clubs. “Our goal is to not only build a large organization,” says K. Gandankin, a YCL leader […]

The role of the Left in the 2020 elections

The role of the Left in the 2020 elections

By Jarvis Tyner Support of a broad anti-Trump coalition is building momentum for the Biden-Harris ticket in this historic 2020 presidential election, now just days away. If the effects of important grassroots work continues, and the huge Democratic registration and early voting tallies up, then Trump’s monstrous reign will end. This is not just a battle of Democrats vs. Republicans; […]

Socialists win big in Bolivia; Morales expected to return from exile

Socialists win big in Bolivia; Morales expected to return from exile

Luis Arce and David Choquehuanca, presidential and vice-presidential candidates, respectively, for Bolivia’s Movement Toward Socialism Party (MAS), scored an overwhelming first-round election victory on Oct. 18. They won 53% of the vote, showing strength in cities and rural areas alike. MAS was formerly headed by deposed President Evo Morales. The Supreme Election Tribunal certified the voting results based on exit […]

After the election: Go out and make ’em do it!

After the election: Go out and make ’em do it!

I’ve heard it said that an assessment of a politician’s stance on this or that issue shouldn’t rest on positions they took a decade or two ago. According to this view, the past is not a prelude to the present or predictive of a possible future. This argument was made about Hilary Clinton during the previous election cycle, and it’s […]

Kentucky A.G. Cameron seeks to silence jurors in Breonna Taylor case

Kentucky A.G. Cameron seeks to silence jurors in Breonna Taylor case

By Chauncey K. Robinson Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron claimed weeks ago, when announcing the grand jury’s decision in Breonna Taylor’s shooting death, that justice only answered “to the facts and to the law.” Cameron’s recent motion to keep jurors who ruled on the case from speaking publicly about the proceedings, however, has many wondering whether the “facts” he presented […]

Still another chilling moment for democracy in Florida

Still another chilling moment for democracy in Florida

By Al Neal In response to vote suppression measures filed by the Trump re-election campaign, state Republican parties and the national GOP, an attorney who represented the Bush-Cheney campaign during the 2000 Florida recount, delivered a candid and damning statement: “You’re seeing a broad-based, generalized strategy to suppress the vote by the Republican Party,” attorney Barry Richards declared. If the […]

Empire of High Technology: Amazon, Apple, Google, Facebook achieve ‘monopoly power’

Empire of High Technology: Amazon, Apple, Google, Facebook achieve ‘monopoly power’

By C.J. Atkins In the middle of the last century, Marxist economist Victor Perlo described the U.S. economy as an “empire of high finance.” If he were writing today, he’d probably update his assessment to say U.S. capitalism has also become an “empire of high technology.” The U.S. House Judiciary subcommittee on antitrust essentially dances around that conclusion in a […]