May Day preview: PRO Act to take center stage

May Day preview: PRO Act to take center stage

WASHINGTON (PAI)—From coast to coast, demands for passage of the PRO Act, the most pro-worker labor law overhaul in 86 years, will take center stage at May Day marches, teach-ins, and events, preceded by other pro-PRO Act actions that began on April 26. The AFL-CIO reports more than 700 events are planned, and that count may be low, as individual […]

Cancel it: Biden pressured to eliminate $50,000 student debt per borrower

Cancel it: Biden pressured to eliminate $50,000 student debt per borrower

President Joe Biden is under mounting pressure to address the rapidly growing student debt crisis by canceling up to $50,000 in crushing individual student loans. A growing chorus of elected officials and advocates say Biden can cancel the debt through executive action. Also, 415 community, civil rights, climate, health, consumer, labor, food and farm, and student advocacy organizations released a letter to […]

There is a migrant crisis, but where and why?

There is a migrant crisis, but where and why?

Much ink and hot air have been expended over the past several weeks about whether or not there is a “crisis” on the U.S.-Mexico border, caused by a big spike in the number of migrants and asylum-seekers arriving there since the change in U.S. administrations. The tone of the Republican versus Democrat argument often takes on a semantic character.  In […]

Where do capitalists come from?

Where do capitalists come from?

BY LAURENT ROSS Where do capitalists come from? How did we get from medieval feudalism with its kings and queens, knights and ladies, and poor exploited peasantry to the economic system that now dominates most of today’s world: capitalism? Ancient humans barely got by day to day. Everything the typical man and woman did during the day was for themselves and […]