Amazon workers rally on MLK holiday: “We are going to win!”

Amazon workers rally on MLK holiday: “We are going to win!”

By Jacob Buckner The Amazon Labor Union (ALU) held a rally on January 17, Martin Luther King Day. Members from the Young Communist League and Communist Party joined the rally at the Amazon warehouse in Staten Island to show solidarity and support the union cause. In the past months, Staten Island workers have been coming together and collecting signatures for […]

YCL greetings to youth conference in Cyprus

YCL greetings to youth conference in Cyprus

Comrade Ani Toncheva addressed the 20th national convention of EDON in Nicosia, Cyprus, in January 2022. EDON is the youth wing of AKEL, the Progressive Party of Working People, in Cyprus.  Watch a video of Ani’s remarks here. Greetings to EDON and the progressive and revolutionary youth of Cyprus and to comrades from around the world. It is my pleasure to […]