
Prez debate says it all: #VoteAgainstFascism

Prez debate says it all: #VoteAgainstFascism

Last night’s debate proved that our #VoteAgainstFascism slogan is exactly right. For an hour and a half Trump launched (in classic German Nazi fashion) a blitzkrieg; that is, he attempted to roll over his opponent with overwhelming verbal force. He bullied and blustered, he shouted and shamed, he lied and leered in a take-no-prisoners prime-time performance. Be forewarned: it was […]

Democracy, fascism, and the working class

Democracy, fascism, and the working class

The social and economic crises unleashed by the COVID-19 pandemic have sharpened the mass understanding that began to develop in the wake of the Great Recession, with slogans like “We are the 99%” and “Banks got bailed out! We got sold out!”   The U.S. ruling class proclaims itself the world’s leading force for democracy—but somehow, time and again, it protects billionaires’ wealth at […]

NYC supports NAARPR national day of action

NYC supports NAARPR national day of action

“NYPD kills on patrol! How are we going to stop them? Community control!” chanted the crowd following the direction of Jessica Schwartz, an organizer representing the New York Community Action Project. The National Alliance Against Racism and Political Repression (NAARPR) called a “national day of protest” for Saturday, September 19, to demand an immediate stop to police crimes, a complete […]

Colorado May Day Club joins protests of activists’ arrests

Colorado May Day Club joins protests of activists’ arrests

On Thursday, September 17, police officers in Denver and Aurora, Colorado, made coordinated arrests of members of the local Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) Denver. Six members were charged with felonies, in relation to their organizing efforts for the Black Lives Matter movement. In the past several weeks PSL has organized large-scale protests demanding justice for the killing of Black […]

Democratic revolution, from one abolition to the next

Democratic revolution, from one abolition to the next

Step by step we have seen the slave power advancing; poisoning, corrupting, and perverting the institutions of the country; growing more and more haughty, imperious, and exacting. The white man’s liberty has been marked out for the same grave with the black man’s.—Frederick Douglass, “Speech on the Dred Scott Decision,” 1857 “Loud and exultingly have we been told that the […]

Call to action: Vote against fascism!

Call to action: Vote against fascism!

The upcoming 2020 elections set to take place on November 3rd are, without a doubt, the most important elections of our time. So much is at stake: our health, our safety, our planet, and our lives. Trump’s extreme-right policies, which include the Muslim travel ban and the forced separation of immigrant families at the border, on top of the already […]

Communists, coalitions, and the class struggle

Communists, coalitions, and the class struggle

One of the perennial debates in the world communist movement is on the issue of coalitions and united fronts: whether communists should participate in them, and if so, how and under what circumstances. A few parties, claiming the communist or Marxist-Leninist title, oppose participating in such cooperative structures. Most, however, taking off from Dimitrov’s 1935 report to the 7th Congress of the […]

Communist youth across the Americas ready to unite

Communist youth across the Americas ready to unite

“A new constitution will lay the foundations for a massive youth-led movement against neoliberalism in Chile,” said Daniela Serrano, a Chilean communist youth representative on the eve of the 47th anniversary of the overthrow of Salvador Allende’s Popular Unity Government. “We have come so far, but still have so far to go.” On August 29, the Young Communists of Chile […]

Fascism: A Rising Danger

Fascism: A Rising Danger

By Marc Brodine Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said, “November is about defeating fascism.” She’s right. While we shouldn’t take anything Trump says at face value, since he often says things that are lies, distortions, or just outrageous in order to distract, the fact that he has already repeatedly cast doubt on the results of the fall elections is worrisome. He is anxious […]