Ain’t no party like a Communist Party: Portugal’s Avante! Festival

Ain’t no party like a Communist Party: Portugal’s Avante! Festival

By Jamal Rich AMORA, Portugal––Close to 40,000 regular festival goers descended upon Amora, small suburb outside of Portugal’s capital Lisbon, this past weekend for the 45th Avante! Festival—a cultural, musical, and political extravaganza that is a highlight of summer here. The event is named for and sponsored by the newspaper of the Portuguese Communist Party—Avante! (or Onward! in English)—which was instrumental in overthrowing […]

The outlook of today’s radicalized youth

The outlook of today’s radicalized youth

By Maicol David Lynch Organizing students and the youth overall is a “waste of time.” At least that’s what I’ve been hearing recently in some of the leftist organizing circles I belong to. When I push back on this narrative, those who initially took this position modify their stance: “Well, let’s focus on organizing young workers. They can be radicalized […]

U.S. media finds its voice—to bay for blood over Afghanistan

U.S. media finds its voice—to bay for blood over Afghanistan

By Ian Goodrum It would appear the United States’ corporate-owned media has finally gotten over their love affair with President Joe Biden for not being Donald Trump. Now, at long last, they’re actually criticizing his administration. Are they taking issue with his inaction on student debt, or his mishandling of the new coronavirus variants sweeping through the populace? Maybe they’re […]

Little Red Schoolhouse for Marxist Youth: A Success!

Little Red Schoolhouse for Marxist Youth: A Success!

“Solidarity forever, for the union makes us strong!” sang the young comrades attending the 2021 Little Red Schoolhouse in New York City at a rally in support of striking Alabama mine workers last Wednesday. The school was hosted by the CPUSA NY District and Chelsea Education Fund. Forty-seven young Communists representing CPUSA districts and Young Communist League clubs in Ohio, […]

Young Communists take to the streets for Pride Month

Young Communists take to the streets for Pride Month

“Communists for Queer Liberation!” and “Remember Harry Hay and Sylvia Rivera!” read the signs of young Communists as they marched down 6th Avenue from Bryant Park to the Stonewall Inn located in the West Village this past Sunday afternoon. Over the past 20 years, the Communist Party USA and the Young Communist League have changed their stance on the issue […]

Yale workers and community join in common struggles

Yale workers and community join in common struggles

For millions of workers, getting through the pandemic has been a major struggle for survival, while the largest corporations have enriched their wealth.  The pandemic exposed the systemic, raw inequities in health, housing, and employment for Black and Latino families who suffered more losses. These realities are shaping workers’ struggles emerging from COVID-19. One example is the epic battle for new […]

Arabs and Jews in Israel unite against Netanyahu and occupation

Arabs and Jews in Israel unite against Netanyahu and occupation

After an 11-day war that killed more than 240 Palestinians and 12 Israelis, a fragile ceasefire between the right-wing government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Islamist Hamas militants that rule Gaza took hold early Friday morning. Activists inside Israel—Jewish and Arab alike—hailed the cessation of open fighting but said the conditions for a permanent peace are still […]

Demand action against Israeli attack on Gaza

Demand action against Israeli attack on Gaza

By International Commission The Young Communist League USA strongly and unequivocally condemns the violence by the Israeli government against the Palestinian people. The capitalist world stays silent in the face of the many crimes being committed by the Israeli regime, but we must speak up. These crimes are numerous and range from the eviction of Palestinians from their homes based […]

May Day preview: PRO Act to take center stage

May Day preview: PRO Act to take center stage

WASHINGTON (PAI)—From coast to coast, demands for passage of the PRO Act, the most pro-worker labor law overhaul in 86 years, will take center stage at May Day marches, teach-ins, and events, preceded by other pro-PRO Act actions that began on April 26. The AFL-CIO reports more than 700 events are planned, and that count may be low, as individual […]

Cancel it: Biden pressured to eliminate $50,000 student debt per borrower

Cancel it: Biden pressured to eliminate $50,000 student debt per borrower

President Joe Biden is under mounting pressure to address the rapidly growing student debt crisis by canceling up to $50,000 in crushing individual student loans. A growing chorus of elected officials and advocates say Biden can cancel the debt through executive action. Also, 415 community, civil rights, climate, health, consumer, labor, food and farm, and student advocacy organizations released a letter to […]